DevOps and how it makes our Predictable Continuous Deployment Rock

Audience experience level: 
Andy Kucharski & Johnnie Fox

How long does it take to deploy a feature to production? How sure are we that it worked and nothing broke?

It hasn't been easy to deploy new functionality into production yet creating "continuous delivery" is a goal for teams working on building new projects as well as teams maintaining projects. There are many benefits of increasing automation to quickly and predictably deliver software. In this talk, we'll cover continuous delivery concepts and share many painful and not-so-painful lessons we've learned over the years honing our process, which is still changing. 

We'll start by discussing why we decided to make the investment and what are the benefits of being able to deploy with confidence. We build the concepts of CI and how we've modified them for our Drupal deployments.

We touch on "configuration management" and talk through our lessons learned (Chef, Ansible), talk through several iterations of our build scripts (briefly touching on Composer) for both D7 and D8.

From there we'll tackle "continuous integration" with Jenkins (vs. Travis CI) and other scripts. We'll talk about how we've managed to deploy to different target environments such as Pantheon, Acquia, AWS, Rackspace etc. 

Finally, we'll touch on our journey of automated testing from Behat to the Robot framework. We pull it all together by discussing how to make these bettery by integrating the results into common team communication tools. 

We'll share our lessons learned, risk manage,ent and maturity model steps. 

Ensure that you let us know:

  • This presentation is for anyone who would like to deploy faster, would like to know why deploying with automated testing is better and how to build a business case for this as well as look at a high level of technical approaches to make this a reality in your environment